Knoxville Water Service
Q. What are your business hours? | |
A. You can pay your bill at City Hall, 33 North Public Square from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Water maintenance is open 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., any service call after 3:00 will not be taken care of until next business day. | |
Q. Can I open, close or make changes to an account over the phone? | |
A. We do not open accounts over the phone. Picture identification in person is required to open accounts. | |
Q. Can I use a credit card to pay my water bill? Do I have to come to City Hall to use my credit card? | |
A. The city accepts both credit and debit cards. You can come in to City Hall to have your bill charged to your credit/debit card. The City also accepts payments online at www.kville.org. | |
Q. Do you have a drop box or other locations where I can pay my bill? | |
A. There is a drop box located behind City Hall on the North side of the Public Square. Payments are also accepted at First Mid Bank & Trust in Knoxville. | |
Q. Can I have my water bill taken out of my checking account automatically? | |
A. Yes, stop by City Hall to fill out an application (ACH payment of bills). | |
Q. My water bill was late because the Postal Service took longer than expected to deliver the payment, can I have my penalty removed? | |
A. No, as indicated on each water bill, failure to receive a bill does not relieve customer of payment or penalty. | |
Q.I have a question about my water bill, who should I call? | |
A. For billing questions, contact the Account Specialist at (309) 289-2814. | |
Q. Will I get the $100 back that I paid when I opened my account? | |
A. When you close your account the deposit of $100 will be applied to your final bill. Any amount left over after the deposit has been applied to the final bill will be refunded to you. | |
Q. How do I know if my toilet is leaking? | |
A. One method to determine if your toilet is leaking, add food color to the tank, make sure to put in enough coloring to make the water dark. Let the toilet stand for an hour, DO NOT FLUSH. If the toilet seal is leaking, the colored water will show up in the bowl. These types of leaks can be costly as a leaking toilet is similar to opening a faucet and letting it run continually. | |
Q. My water bill was higher than usual, how do I know if I have a leak in my home? | |
A. Homeowners/tenants can check for leaks themselves by looking at the water meter (make sure all water using devices are turned off). The meter face has a red dial that will be moving when water is running through the meter. If all faucets and water using devices are off and this indicator is moving, a leak is indicated. | |
Q. Who is responsible for repairs to the water line outside my home? | |
A. The Homeowner is responsible for the entire water service line to connection at the main. |